Keeping one's cool...

Exactly one week ago Mr. Bobo and Mr. Beers were in the very throes of party planning. Mr. Beers turned 50 on Saturday, October 8. There were big plans underway for big fun at a big party in a newly redesigned backyard shangri-la-de-da. Family and friends were traveling to San Antonio from all over the place. Some came from Dallas/Ft. Worth. Others came from Chicago, Tulsa, Maryland... The air was filled with excitement and anticipation.

On the morning of Friday, October 7, the deli boys walked into work just in time to find... to find... to find everyone at W. D. Deli in a tailspin. The walk-in cooler had stopped working. The refrigeration repair guy was called. Mr. Bobo texted the amazing Luke Garza from Josephine Street Café and asked to "borrow" some space in their walk-in cooler. The deli staff began emptying the deli cooler by throwing away thousands of dollars worth of meats, cheeses, chicken salads, cookie doughs... Our expert dishwasher Justin began to move the shelving around in the walk-in and give it a thorough cleaning.

At the same time, our refrigeration guy David was diagnosing the problem and coming to the conclusion that the compressor unit had died and would have to be replaced. Checking with his sources, David discovered that the replacement compressor would have to be ordered and would not be in until Monday, October 10. Meanwhile, out-of-town guests began to arrive at the deli for some lunch and visitation time. One family member observed the pandemonium and remarked to Wayne Douglas, "You seem distracted." Mr. Beers’s stepdad Gordon jumped right into the middle of the mess and volunteered to accompany and assist Wayne in his search for and purchase of a refrigerator to place in the deli kitchen to use temporarily in anticipation of the Monday repair of the walk-in cooler.

We all assumed an attitude something like "Damn the torpedoes - Full speed ahead!" Deli business was good and everything seemed to run smoothly, thanks to a great staff. Party preparations went on for Mr. Beers’s birthday bash...

The rest of the weekend was full of birthday fun. A great party with great people, as well as visiting with friends and family, going out to big family meals of great San Antonio Mexican food, just really great times with dear, sweet people.

By Monday afternoon the walk-in cooler was back in working order, and by Tuesday afternoon we were able to restock the walk-in with all new stuff. Things are just about back to normal. It will take a while to recover the financial setback of the Walk-In Cooler Fiasco Of 2011, but it’ll happen. It’s all good. Come by and see us. And try the new Cookie Of The Month: Trick Or Treat. It’s got a handful of candy in each cookie - candy corn, butterscotch pieces, and caramels. Ouch. I think I have a toothache.
